Man Caught masturbating in a commercial bus and beat a woman who videod him

 This man was caught in a commercial bus masturbating for plaesure.he beat the woman who fIlmed him because the woman was sitting next to him.when the woman noticed he was masturbating she called him out,saying"you know you can stop what you're doing and do that when you get home,you hear?.

Immediately,the man removed his hand from his pants after he saw that  he have been caught....the woman said she noticed h looking atahee phone and asked him to stop and he attacked jer

In the video the woman is heard callimg him outofor masturbating in the bis and he repkief out of annoyance ,"my bod is my body".if i am even doing anything is no business of anybody.

The verbal exchange soonesculated and the man hit her with his elbow and threatened to slap her,but a male passenger intervened.

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