Irate Youth Kill, Set Ablaze Corpses of Ritualists With Fresh Human Head In Ogun


February 13, (THEWILL) - Angry youth on Saturday raged the police headquarters at Oja Odan in Yewa North Local Government Area of Ogun state, killing and setting on fire cadavers of two speculated ritualists.

The two ritualists were said to have been brought to the police headquarters by a few vigilante and honest individuals from the general population for being in control of new human head.While the suspects were being questioned on the human head hid in a sack, some irate youth went on to activate individuals, raged the station and overwhelm the officials.

They quickly hauled out the two suspects, beat them hardheartedly to death prior to setting their carcasses on fire.

The Public Relations Officer, DSP Abimbola Oyeyemi affirmed the occurrence to newsmen in an explanation in Abeokuta on Saturday.

Oyeyemi who denounced the wilderness equity follow up on the suspects, said that the order would not overlay its arm and watch the public bring regulations into their hands.

He, along these lines, sounded a note of caution to individuals from people in general to cease from such conduct as the order would consequently manage whoever did such activity once more.

The police PRO clarified that a presume stays a suspect until the individual in question has been sentenced by a court of equipped locale regardless of how deplorable the individual could have committed.He added that main the court that has the ability to force discipline on anybody viewed as at real fault for a wrongdoing, not an individual or gathering, demanding that wilderness equity is not welcome in the law.

Oyeyemi said "following an unlawful killing and setting on fire of two associated ritualists in oja odan region with Ogun state on Saturday twelfth of February 2022, the Ogun state police order wishes to caution the overall population that such boorish and unlawful activity will never again be tolerated."In the early long stretches of Saturday twelfth of February 2022, two presumed ritualists were captured and brought to Oja odan divisional base camp by a few watchful and well behaved individuals from general society, with claim that a new human head covered in a sack was seen with them.

"While the suspects were been questioned in the station, a few corrupt components proceeded to activate huge number of individuals who attacked the station forcefully, overpowered the police faculty working and in this manner captured the suspects, pounded the life out of them and set their carcasses on fire."

"Considering the occurrence, the order wishes to sound a note of caution to the people who are generally prone to bring regulations into their hands to halt from such graceless conduct as the order will hence be managing whoever did such activity in the most conclusive way.

"A speculate stays a suspect until he/she is sentenced by a court of able locale regardless of how shocking the wrongdoing he suspected to have carried out may be. It is just the court that has the ability to force discipline on anybody viewed as at real fault for a wrongdoing, not an individual or gathering."

In the mean time, the Commissioner of Police CP Lanre Bankole has requested a full-scale examination concerning the episode with the view to deal with the individuals who took an interest in doing the uncouth and unlawful killing of the suspects.

He engaged individuals from people in general to believe in the country law enforcement framework and stop from self improvement as such is strange to the rule that everyone must follow.

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